How do i renew my domain name?

GoHosting will notify you by email at several intervals as your domain approaches its expiry date. These are: 90 Days, 30 Days and 15 Days prior to the domains expiry date.

You will also receive an invoice 14 days prior to domains expiry date. GoHosting will automatically renew your domain once that invoice has been paid.

If you wish to renew you domain earlier you can do so by logging into the GoHosting Client Area:

To manually renew your domain go to and login with the email address and password used to create your account.
From here click on “My Domains”  then tick the box next to the domain you wish to renew then click on the drop down box at the bottom of the list of domains currently registered.
Then select  “Renew Domains”  you will be taken to a new page where you can select the period you wish to renew the domain, once you have selected how long you wish to renew the domain click “Order Now”
You will then be issued an invoice for the renewal of the domain, once payment for this invoice is received your domain will be automatically renewed.

Please Note: All .au domains e.g.,, can only be renewed if the domain is within 90 days of expiring.
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